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Cancer Season---AstrORM Nourishing Safety

For the past several years, Tavish Carduff and I have been creating Our Raw Material (ORM)---well, it's been creating through us. A contemplative system of drinking water, physical movement and self-monitoring. There are 12 Pillars. Every Solstice and Equinox, these 12 Pillars start over again. The layers, oh, the layers of internal analysis. To bring a conscious awareness and equilibrium to our egos and souls is worthwhile. The 12th Pillar is Wholeness. Accepting each moment as complete, even perfect, from our souls' viewpoint is a major aspect of Wholeness. Evolutionary intentions is a central foundation of our soul.

Yesterday (6.26) we began our Second Quarter. Waxing to Full Moon and learning through intense emotional drama, that's the wave of energies in which we all swim. This is a week of the personal narrative (victim, bully or facilitator of growth?) What stories are you telling yourself. Cancer is a mixture of action (begins a season) and contemplation (water element). As long as you take your clues from words chosen, pauses given and tones explored, Cancer Season will give you a second chance. Venus is slowing down to cuddle with the Earth to go retrograde on July 23. This Goddess of Equilibrium and Joy is in straight from the heart Leo. Let your feelings guide you---all the feels.

Use today 6.27 to investigate unique (& modest) ways to connect and influence others. Begin with looking at one fear. How to know a fear? Where/when does your breathing become swallow? Lumps in throat? Allow your physical body to communicate fear to you, ok?

Love includes; fear excludes.

Resignation and indifference are the proverbial 'canaries in the coal mine' of bring resentment and suspicions to the surface. Wednesday & Thursday give each of us an opportunity to access the root causes of our triggers (AstrORM way of saying we're in a Scorpio Moon).

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