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Happy Venus Friday July 1, 2022

Writer's picture: quantracycherryquantracycherry

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Instagram & YouTube, I even have a Snapchat & TicTok, but I fancy myself way too involved in living my life to perform it online--to each their effing own, yes?

Let's talk numbers and Moon signs, sound fair? This month begins with a joyous, childlike Leo Moon signaling our believing in and trusting those closest to us.

Friday connects to Freya--goddess of love in the Norse system.

So, this July 2022 is a combination of Goddess of Harmony, Joy, Love & Peace (Venus). That 13/4 energy brings us the Fool, Emperor & Death through the Tarot.

Why do fools fall in love? Because they can? Or have they bypassed the ego dominated masculine represented by the Emperor? Has their been death declared upon the ego, the walls bringing a gentle kind quality that so desired in a healthy love relationship?

With Warrior Mars in loving Venus ruled Taurus from July 5 through August 20, we are being inspired to stop and smell the roses. The fragrance and softness of love can exist in the playpen of our flowering hearts. Leave your ego at the door.

Jupiter slows down to go retrograde by July 28 in Mars ruled Aries. Like Jack Nicholson as Joker said in Batman "this town needs an enema!" Lets expel our overthinking intellects on the toilet of our ordinary cynical existences. Skeptical thinking is okay because doubt fosters engaging in critical thinking.

Through his expansive goodwill, Jupiter in Aries offers us a uniquely positive vision that helps us offer forgiveness to those who've harmed us. Imagine we are like a Governor aho can give clemency. Usually, I suggest you look in the mirror first. Like charity (one of the meanings of Cherry, forgiveness starts at home). Jupiter is all about moving to those greener pastures as he helps you process pain and betrayal to express your generosity of spirit.

Universal Month July (7) + 2+0+2+2 = 13/4

A four (4) month in numerology asks that we seek stability. After our Supreme Court showing their collective religious asses in overturning Roe v Wade, we are all called to take back our authority from outside of ourselves. Get involved or stay silent, your choice (no pun intended).

Be proud of the boundaries you set--even when you're seen as a fool, dickish Emperor or a brooding goth type dressed in all black (hello, Death). What this means is how you present yourself for social bonding (in person) matters. Realize where you play a fool by choice to have fun and illuminate those who are fortunate enough to be in your presence. Or you're can be seen as an isolated individual attached to being right who lacks a sense of humor and joy (shadow od the Fool). July beams with life--your choice to express gratitude or not.

Happy Venus Friday!

Check out the Four of Wands---use the following comment section to ask how they affect you directly (leave bday, time & city).

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