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From Tuesday, October 1 at 2:52 pm CDT to 9.59pm this Thursday, the Moon (mood/subconscious) will be Mercury ruled Virgo.


I’ve already started fielding calls about has Mercury begun its retrograde cycle. ?No, he has not. ?(October 18-November 10, 2013 are his apparent backwards trek between the Earth and Sun.)

I could go on and explain the Mercury shadow (that is he will retrace his steps after he goes direct on November 10). ?That’s another blog.

Today, I am discussing the sweet sensation that can occur when the higher octave planet of Mercury: ?Uranus asserts himself in your routine lives. ?There is nothing predictable abut this revolutionary force. ?While the messenger of the gods gets closer to the Earth during these retrograde time periods, it is spirit awakening Uranus and his fourth square (tension driven aspect) to Pluto (exact on Nov 1) ?that’s amping up your energies and sensitivities. ?Mercury deals in facts like any good business person or photojournalist. ?It becomes mentally sweet when your anxious lower mind opens up to larger realities of how ‘all is one’. ?So, it might as well be ‘one for all’. ?Can you get this message to our elementary school of a US Congress?

Uranus brings the peanut butter and abruptly inserts it in the chocolate. (As a kid, I mixed French and Blue Cheese dressings, it shocked my family. ?I ended up becoming the most nuanced cook of that group.) ?That’s right Uranus in Aries and Mercury in Scorpio, mean Mars, Mars and more Mars1 ?Individual action from an enlightened perspective, that’s a healthy Mars.

So what does it all mean? ?That’s what I’m here for…it’s time for a check in ?to learn what your hemispheres of your alien organ the brain be up to.

i can tell you this…acting from your true authentic spirit as it brings up what is and is not working in your closest reflective relationships will make the difference between increased bonding or transforming the entire nature of the connection. ?It’s a forewarned is a forearming.

Mercury gathers the info; Uranus gives societal and individual context to said info. Pluto offers surveillance to your motivations; Mars gets you to act spontaneously on your desires. ?In essence, it’s on. ?Your soul’s in control, learn to surrender to it.

Stop! ?Not only in the name of love, but because the love you save may be your own.

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