This unique coaching program delves deep into your life using the powerful lens of Intergenerational Astrology. By examining the patterns and influences passed down through your family lineage, we can gain profound insights into:
Your Personal Growth: Discover how your family's history shapes your relationships, career path, and overall well-being.
Family Dynamics: Understand the underlying currents within your family, fostering deeper connections and resolving past conflicts.
Breaking Free from Patterns: Identify and transform repetitive behaviors that may be hindering your progress.
Building Stronger Relationships: Equip yourself to navigate family interactions with greater understanding and empathy.
Personalized Coaching Sessions:
Each coaching session, lasting 1.5 hours (includes out of the office exercises uniquely tailored to you), is tailored to your specific needs and goals. We'll explore the positions of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in your chart and your family members' charts, revealing the overarching themes and influences impacting generations.
Uncover the Hidden Language of Your Family:
The Child's Sun Sign: This sheds light on unconscious areas of growth within your family system.
The Child's Moon Sign: Identify potential areas of emotional imbalance within your family dynamic.
The Combined Energy: Explore how family members interweave and influence each other's lives.
How Are All Sessions Intuitive?My adolescent smartass wants to say ‘cause they are’. As soon as I look at an astrological chart or a layout of cards, my right hemisphere is sparked. This hemisphere sees in whole pictures, gut responses are felt and releases any ego/left hemisphere attachment to being ‘right’. The magic of a session occurs through your willingness to create space for wisdom to be accessed. I feel we each have an Invisible Entourage (IE). Our IE speaks through our intuition.
What is the difference between an Astrology Chart, Tarot Spread and Intuitive Readings/Sessions?First of all, the lawyer side of me wants to stipulate that every service I offer is an Intuitive Reading/Session. In a Tarot Reading unless I say a time period will last longer than the cards suggest, I will inform you of the astrological planetary transit (movement) that is occurring. In many ways the Astrology Chart is the logical, precise side of our brain known to us through our left hemisphere. Tarot illuminates its wisdom through mind flashes, body/gut responses and imagery rooted through our right hemisphere (usually) . In an Intuitive Only Reading aka ‘the kitchen sink’ everything I do is brought into focus. The ‘everything’ can range from numerology, I Ching, cards, Gene Keys, Human Design, Spirit Guides, Ancestors and how these all intersect and support each other on your path. Non-form into form, the Invisible Entourage that we all have access to.
Why do you prefer to call your services ‘sessions’ instead of ‘readings’?In the interest of simplicity, it is okay to ask for and call them ‘readings’. It is only that through saying the word ‘session’ gives the image and feeling that we are creating our time together. In an ideal world, I see every client as a fellow maestro or conductor to their own orchestra. After all, Astrology is sometimes called the ‘harmony of the spheres’. I ask each client to access their own wisdom. As Cosmic Musicians, we are playing jazz, improvising is key to our collective growth. We have practice sessions, no one member of our band expects perfection. It’s all in the practice, baby. Can you dig it? Lol. As there are exceptions to almost every rule, it is only a ‘reading’, when it's an audio only and you’ve sent NO questions or areas of interest before I begin to record.
Why Choose A Tarot of Intuitive Reading/Session Instead Of An Astrological One?Focus on a specific issue that usually is time sensitive. An aversion to Astrology that usually comes from a ‘predetermined’ bias. Desiring a more storytelling or right hemisphere/image making connection with your inner truth. Seeking a second opinion or interpretation of your own reading. Budget or money &/or time. Understanding and realizing what your spiritual needs are and choosing accordingly. Enjoying and leaning into the free spirited nature of the Tarot!
What are the nine additional benefits to all of the services provided at BINR?Helps clients to recognize strengths & talents Provides insight into psychological challenges Illuminates patterns of growth & development Suggests the life purpose or calling Targets periods of crisis & opportunity Deepens a sense of connection to our Multi-dimensional Universe * Reveals the meaning of a particular experience or a phase of life when you have come to a crossroad Exposes synchronicities that link subjective & objective reality Assesses karmic (intense) experiences from family of origin, ancestral or generational trauma/wounds in order to become healed and whole.
How Does Having A Broad Perspective Influence Your Work?As our perspective broadens, so does our intuition. That visionary voice that maintains our neutrality allows us to see possibilities that our ego will narrowly define or judge. The spirit that energizes each of us is an important focus for me and the client. Even when there are misunderstandings in a session, an inclusive view can make all the difference in smoothing out while allowing a session to continue well. Willingness to see the client's perspective and not having an attachment to being right opens our shared space safely. We evolve together as ‘Griot Guide’ and client. All healing is self-healing.
How Have You Come To See Yourself As A ‘Griot Gude’?Describing myself as a ‘Griot Guide’ honors the ancient genetic wisdom, shamanism and time traveling with our modern ability to access ginormous amounts info found in the palm of our hands. As we grow into the Aquarian Age, the community becomes the ‘savior’---integrating our independence and freedoms with our responsibilities to each human being. Could our ancestors imagine our technology? Hell, even in my life some of this still feels like ‘magic’. We are learning to balance the past (authentic intelligence through storytelling) with the present and future (technology and artificial intelligence). To embrace a label ‘Griot Guide’ gives a shout out to both… A Griot is a West African storyteller, musician and entertainer whose function was to perform as tribal histories and genealogies were communicated. Reverence of our ancestors aids in the larger context in which to see our inherent challenges and potential future conflicts. Stories last and are remembered. There’s a natural and intuitive connection to those before, present awareness and what type of life would you like to see for your children, grandchildren and planet as whole.
How Would You Describe The Invisible Entourage (IE)?If you've ever stayed at the end of a movie to watch the credits, those people who do not appear in front of the camera are like our IE. We are brave beings. We have taken on a physical body--we are in front of the camera. These behind the scenes energies conspire to keep us on our chosen journey. They remind us in their own unique way when we're off path.
How Would You Describe Your Attitude About Your Work?First of all, thanks to Tavish Carduff (Co-Founder of Our Raw Material) I no longer call how I serve others as ‘work’. There is such ease. As intentions for reciprocal healing are set and grounded in the center of the Earth, we can look to the higher heavens and other dimensions for indicators to maintain our chosen paths. It is such a joy to be able to make a reasonable living at my calling that I often lose track of time as if I were a child playing or an artist in their work. The immense gratitude energizes and maintains a sustainable energetic source of my services.
Why Are Some Of The FAQs Repeated?No, there are no early onset mental health challenges here (lol)---Quan and BINR are an integrated service package of analytical astrology, visionary storytelling of the Tarot and the foundation of the intuitive energies of our shared Invisible Entourage (IE). With any rooted and connected spiritualist there is bound to be overlap with their chosen tools. These are separated for easier understanding and assimilation. Through a patient and thorough study of all of BINR’s FAQs you can see and feel the entire picture of what is offered. Quan intends everyone who visits the site regardless of whether they are a client, student, apprentice, subscriber, colleague or seeker to have as complete understanding of what is possible as we all learn to help and serve each other.
Why Are Some Of The FAQs Repeated?No, there are no early onset mental health challenges here (lol)---Quan and BINR are an integrated service package of analytical astrology, visionary storytelling of the Tarot and the foundation of the intuitive energies of our shared Invisible Entourage (IE). With any rooted and connected spiritualist there is bound to be overlap with their chosen tools. These are separated for easier understanding and assimilation. Through a patient and thorough study of all of BINR’s FAQs you can see and feel the entire picture of what is offered. Quan intends everyone who visits the site regardless of whether they are a client, student, apprentice, subscriber, colleague or seeker to have as complete understanding of what is possible as we all learn to help and serve each other.
Why Choose A Tarot of Intuitive Reading/Session Instead Of An Astrological One?Focus on a specific issue that usually is time sensitive. An aversion to Astrology that usually comes from a ‘predetermined’ bias. Desiring a more storytelling or right hemisphere/image making connection with your inner truth. Seeking a second opinion or interpretation of your own reading. Budget or money &/or time. Understanding and realizing what your spiritual needs are and choosing accordingly. Enjoying and leaning into the free spirited nature of the Tarot!
What Are The Origins of Tarot Cards?The Tarot Cards are shrouded in mystery. Some say that they are symbols left over from extraterrestrials. While others say that Tarot simply means ‘Royal Road’. they have an origin in Egyptian mythology the Kabbalah and anywhere else you have the mention of the fool and the wise one.
How would you describe Tarot Cards?There are three classifications of Tarot Cards--Major, Minor Arcana and Court Cards. Arcana is Latin for secrets. The 22 Major Arcana demonstrate the larger lessons on our evolutionary journey. Our souls aka our higher self shows us the lessons we are to learn in order to grow. There are four suits of Minor Arcana. These suits are Wands (Fire), Pentacles (Earth), Swords (Air) and Cups (Water). There are 16 cards in each suit. There are four Court Cards to each suit which connect to King/Shaman/Father, Queen/Priestess/Mother, Prince/Knight/Son, Princess/Page/Daughter. Shamans can be any person of any gender who seeks to embody and express a versatile mastery of the suit involved. The MotherPeace Tarot deck uses this role designation.
What Happens In A Tarot Session?There can be fear of ‘what will a reader say?’ The Tarot is a reflection of what your subconscious wants you to know. I am an interpreter, an intermediary. You may have a specific question that you want a spontaneous and immediate answer. The different spreads help focus the answers you receive from the cards. If you request and/or a returning client who has had an astrology session, then your chart will be accessed as I interpret/read your cards. The cards help to attain clarity in your evolutionary journey. Tarot cards are similar to having a spontaneous guidance counselor ready to make a house call as if the cards were your own doctor.Because we all have inner talk the Tarot Reader intuitively guides you to access your own answers within yourself. Knowledge is learned; wisdom is inherent. Tarot helps you remove your inner obstacles to accessing your own wisdom. Knowledge accessed and applied is wisdom also known as Intuitive Guidance
How Do You Know When The Client Is Rephrasing A Question Or Concern?The Tarot Cards (and other Divinatory Methods which include, but are not limited to, the I Ching) will bring a session into increased clarity through the same themes being repeated in the cards. Sometimes (like our intuition) it is blatant and loud through literally the same cards or classifications showing up no matter how many times they are shuffled. Other times, it is subtle as the wind and our hearing (clairaudience). One major reason I prefer in person sessions over Zoom, email or one way audio recordings is tone and syntax. It is estimated that over 40% of our communication is non-verbal! There is acceptance of those who rephrase a question. How many times have you watched a movie a second or third time and gotten more appreciation or profound perspective. Our souls offer us the time and safe space to do this, for sure!
Can Different Layouts (Mix & Match Up) Be Curated Into A Longer Session?Yes. Imagine the Tarot Spreads are like a Cosmic Menu. BINR is a Cosmic Restaurant. I am your Cosmic (at time Comic) Server. You are the Cosmic Customer who is ordering. As your server, I make ‘best efforts’ (legal term from Contract Law) to remain neutral. If you want two spreads of Five or Seven Cards only…that’s alright with me. If you want more cool beans. It is your energy, time and money. I appreciate Novo Luna helping me to offer the services at BINR in this manner. I am looking forward to how you all respond!