Aquarius season demands we examine our needs from an intellectual perspective. That whole ‘water bearer’ thing asks all of us to recognize that there has to be boundaries around our feelings. Hell, I’ve developed a phrase that even my Generation Z nieces know me---’God Bless America--Central, North & South--all of the Americas!” Yep, a bit of a spiritual politician ending a speech. It lets me know that me on the soapbox is done. Clap, ‘you don’t hafta go home, but you gotta leave from here, ok?’
“Love is love’. ‘God is love’. ‘What the world needs now is love’. You get these points, yes? Imagine the Sagittarius archer is derived from Cupid's Arrows of Erotic Love
Writer’s Note: Took a ‘bible dip’ thanks for the quick insight Tavish, into the
Yin Oracle.
The revelation was #43 ‘Heaven and Earth’. The poem is ‘
Heaven and Earth in complete harmony.
The Myriad Beings grow and thrive.
Peace and satisfaction prevail, for blessings and wisdom are given to all.
You have sown compassion and reap the harvest of joy and love.
What a gift you have been given!
The Voice of the Goddess of Compassion by Stephen Karcher
Love is a gift from the Cosmic Consciousness that consistently shows us how to exist with our inner equilibrium to create harmonic atmospheres.
Imagine the Cosmos aka Multi-Dimensional Universe singing this song to you---
Now imagine you NEVER left the Cosmic Consciousness
So let’s lighten up. Let’s seek & express some equilibrium.
Have a talk about all the unique ways in which each sign gives, receives and withholds or blocks love. Recognize some of your soul in each of the 12 signs--we each are the 13th entity of the observer.
In love, Aries wants to capture. Hunters, the whole tribe of these fire starters. They concocted the idea to place pig blood in a bucket to drop on Carrie. Or they defended Baby to not be placed in a corner. Their snap judgements were no doubt the fall of Romeo and Juliet. But, they also have the chivalry of Richard Gere in The Officer and the Gentleman. Scheeh, they probably built the threshold for the husband to carry the wife across--so Jeff Bezos Amazon mixed with ‘if you build it, they’ll come’ meme. Drop the hankie, make the third bed, the one Goldilocks slept in, but be just unavailable and/or in need of rescue just enough---and you have an Aries for about six weeks. Love lasts as long as you make it new. Unless the female identified Aries hasn’t come to grips that her father may have wanted a boy and her mother secretly resents her bluntness like a drink with no chaser, just surrender to their constant stories about their favorite subject---themselves. The female Aries is learning to create the mythology of her great pussy much like we’ve been regaled by the Aries male and how everyone wants him. Sexual healing (Aries Marvin Gaye) royalties were a part of his divorce settlement to his wife. Mariah Carey is rumored to only have orgasms (or make love) to her music prominently played. Whatever. Love can be elusive to these pioneering folx until they learn to give freely to another without counting the cost…which leads us to their concentrated earth (physical) sign of Taurus.
How Aries blocks love---through impatience acting as if they are separate from the one they love. Give love no matter how many tantrums they have.
Unlike phallocentric ruled Mars/Aries ppl, when in love, Taurus and Venus are bedfellows. The Goddess of Love and Excess gives her children at least one or two attractive assets. Such gifts must be used with the heart open and involved---unless they become a menace of greed and seemingly prostitute themselves without a corresponding heart of gold (that piece of love and joy comes through an inner gratitude place). When these garden growing and food creating folx recognize that outer beauty has an inner vibration too, they relax, laugh and share in exceptionally creative and affectionate ways. Their actions can easily shame their next door neighbor signs Aries and Gemini. Aries doesn’t consider another unless they play the role assigned. Gemini’s mind can be so active that they don’t settle down even when they are pinned (or pinning) someone else down. Refreshing themselves is a Taurus gift. Allow the bling to come to you.
How Taurus blocks love---through channeling such ditties as ‘What Have You Done For Me Lately?’ Sang by Taurus Janet Jackson or ‘Whatcha You Gonna Do For Me?’ Chaka Khan who has love goddess Venus in Taurus (retrograde/reevaluating love all the time, every time). Once healed of expecting rejection and/or being the one who rejects love these meant to be loving folx begin to channel Taurus Janet & Luther Vandross---’The Best Things In Life Are Free’. Believe it or not, these ppl are very innocent and open hearted, no matter how jaded they may appear on first impression (also Scorpio has this same energy of courting the expectation that they are unworthy of love and joy).
In love, Gemini ♊️ as the first human sign of the circle of animals created the first triangle. The mind in all its flaws fantasizes. 'Love the one you're with' & 'that bird in the hand versus the birds in the bush'-- these are some Gemini Twin sentiments. It's is said that it is SO human to want whom you cannot have. It is childish and infantile. An aware Gemini knows the power of words and the sound in which they are said. Sure, they can be the tone police and/or the lawyer/detective when insecurities rule. However, if you're bright, flexible and unpredictable enough, they'll imagine you as they masturbate or reach their various peaks. What if they imagine others? Then, project the confidence of any ol' fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius). Fake till they can only crave your words and your ass after you've manscaped or waxed, yes? Their minds must warm their cooler hearts. After being rountined too death in the preceding sign of Taurus ♉️, there's very little indica leaning Geminis. Indica the marijana strain that helps you sleep aka 'in da couch'. If you want a couch potato or homemaker choose a Cancer or Taurus and you won't be disappointed. Be ready to know everyone's 'T' or truth because these folx are curiosity seekers and question makers. Wanna shake up your love life? These are the ones who'll do that for you, fosho!
How Gemini blocks love---there is one part of their brain that tells the everlasting story that love does not exist--they deny the simplest gesture (and if they have Sagittarius or Leo in their charts---hint we have all 12 signs in some varying degree in our natal charts) in favor of the grand gesture. As a matter of fact, the grand gesture, like the large vehicles, is a compensating factor for feeling small in other areas of their lives. Keep it simple, stupid and your heart open.
In love, Cancer builds on the personal awareness found in the signs before it (please read them too.).Hopefully, you've begun to realize that every sign builds on the one before it. Concentrated earth opens up its schedule to accommodate change and spontaneity (Taurus to Gemini). Too much spontaneity has our souls aching for a home and all the feelings that emanate from having a space to call your own. The stage left walking sideways is Cancer 'I feel' the Crab. Like their sister sign of Taurus ♉️, they appear chilled as long as their stomachs are full. 'Hangry', hunger + angry, was made up for these truly feeling folx. They look back to adaptable Gemini and believe they must click their heels 👠 three times ala Dorothy and return home. The older soul ones of this watery tribe realize the power of the turtle (or snail) and feel at home no matter where they are. Those red shoes symbolize the fire these deeply feeling people have in abundance. After all, they begin the season of summer. So, watch for clues of their personal interest in you.
How Cancer blocks love---unlike the denial of Gemini, these extremely sensitive ppl repress love out of some misguided sense of responsibility to family, God, religion, career---an authority outside of their hearts. After all, these feeling folx were born to live from their hearts (at least five days out of every month---these five days can be consecutive at any and all Full Moons). Or these five days can be spread out moment to moment outside of linear time and space. Study some quantum physics and then apply---to your heart’s motivation and breathing ala Our Raw Material. Our Raw Material - Facebook
In love, Leo asks their love interests---Leo--u good? I’m good? U good? I’m good but only if you’re good. You’re looking like love to me. Oh, how can you stand there? Pretending you don’t love the attention I’m showering on you? Talk about love bombing in the beginning. Like their sibling sign in shared loyalty, Scorpio, they can overwhelm the relationship at the start. However, it all shows up on their faces. They exude a palpable energy of magnetism…the female leaning of this fiery sign combines just enough ice to throw the unworthy off their scent. I bet, early scientists studied Leos when pheromones were discovered, no? Dignity and grace are a must. Any disagreements must be expressed in private. Allow from these enchanting ppl to control the narrative, when they love you, they will leave holes in the relationship story for you to fill in. Exhibit confidence publicly and they’ll follow you in private, for sure!
How Leo blocks love---like they create oodles of dignity and grace for two individual’s hearts coming together to deliberately look beyond ego, guilt and shame. These two toxic energies find their source codes in the family DNA and first heartbreaks of the prideful Leos. Before you commit fully, learn and relearn the story of your chosen Leo’s first heartbreak. Know which age it occurred and most importantly---who counseled them through it. Play Sade’s ‘Love Is Stronger Than Pride’. Then, initiate a profound discussion.
Virgo in love---plz study Virgo Beyonce’s song ‘Crazy In Love’ & ‘Plastic Off The Sofa’. If she ain’t been inspired by Sag Jay Z, then my intuitive and invisible entourage who keeps me invincible-adjacent, these energies are wrong. Being wrong in ORM Wholeness is not possible, because from our soul’s perspective, it’s all evolution, all the time. Crazy In Love captured my soul so much that it was the first rap I learned after Grandmaster Flash’s in Chaka’s ‘I Feel For You’---what two decades later? Male Virgos can be complicated, as non-binary ones too. In a very real sense the Virgin can compartmentalize as well as any dissociating Aquarian. You may not know which human you’re dealing with--pure virginal Mary self loathing and marinating in guilt and shame or experimental Magdalene--who casting the stones of judge-ments at you, anyway. Be yourself. Let go of your intellectualizing love. Simply feel all the love, all the time. Guilt and shame is a collective ego expression to keep all of us in fear of our inner truth based upon the romantic (and feminine) spirit of freedom. What if the January 6 insurrection was sourced in an inclusive love for all Americans? Exclusivity and love are incompatible and oxymoronic.
How Virgo blocks love---through simply not believing it exists personally for them. They substitute these hungry feelings (like Capricorn) for a career and its compensatory perks. Sometimes they go from the repressed and guilty person to the ‘slut’ or ‘mimbo’. Imagine the self-styling of Latto’s ‘small waist and big ol’ ass’ in her Big Dick Energy song, yes? A bit of ‘thou protest too much’, fosho. As much as today’s popular music sings and raps about love and sex, I wonder, as a man of a certain age, do any of you excel at other types of intimacy other than imaginary physical love? I think not. Virgo in love allows for a bit of crazy, particularly when the lunacy is inclusive of everything they feel they are not---they’re willing to contemplate (and act upon) ‘do opposites really attract?’
Libra lives for love (period). As a Sun sign, their DNA comes in feeling incomplete. Once the scale bearer ends the transactional ‘peace at any cost’ mantra within their sagging egos, they come from such confidence that you’d think that they were born in Leo season. They are the original transgender sign. In medieval alchemy (progenitor of modern medicine), the air element (Gemini & Aquarius too) is called ‘hot & moist’. Full balls and watery pudendas, the whole lot of them are almost always ready for some journey of ‘lovin’, touchin’ & squeezin’. That’s precisely why they have such large brains. They are to use their towering intellects to determine when it works to take action on their fantasies of love and lust---and when it would cause the chaos of a hurricane. Some of us ain’t gonna stand for their freewheelin’ ways---sometimes it called the ‘community penis’ or ‘slut’. No kink shaming allowed. They need to experiment with all forms of love. It slows down their rapid thinking. Let Venus lead the way.
How Libra blocks love---similar to how a Virgo does it--compentalizing loving energy. Although as air sign, they live in the world of ideals. No one quite measures up---whether this is wanting a baguette instead of a breadstick or a ‘D cup’ instead of ‘C cup’, it becomes obvious to anyone captivated by beguiling and flirty Libra folx when you are not on their menu for the long haul. Act like a Buddhist with them---live ‘moment to moment’. Research the Four Noble Truths.
Scorpio, like the two preceding signs, pretends it can live without love. Need to say that the interpersonal orientation contains four signs of Leo, Virgo, Libra & Scorpio. The culmination of ‘Love Is Stronger Than Pride’ Also one of the Four Noble Truths is ‘the cause of suffering is craving’. Scorpio’s keyphrase is ‘I desire’. We are often taught at a young age that craving and desires are bad. Hell, whole religions were created by a rejection and kissing cousin of repression around desire and lust. Another circle of hell was created by Scorpion Martin Luther and his 95 treaties---protesting the excesses of the Catholic Church--paying for ‘indulgences’. It would take a Scorpion to not so quietly rebel against a whole institution…after 1781 (Uranus’ discovery and connection ot Aquarius), Scorpio began to have a partner in crime in breaking down institutions to serve the masses (hello, American & French revolutions).Death usually permeates a profound Scorpio pairing. While it can be the death of the physical body, it can take the form of divorcing the ego from playing to other peoples' values and ideals. Hopefully (or in Spanish ‘ojala’) these darkly humored folx can learn from their preceding sign that the past is not destined to repeat itself. Risking vulnerability is powerful beyond anything our egos can imagine…
…hence the way a Scorpio blocks love is a dearth or more painfully ceasing to believe in the intersection of eroticism and love. So, they pay for love---either literally or symbolically. You get the literal allusion---inwardly saying, please go away after our physical act is completed. Or the more insidious, the Scorpion chooses someone who needs them, so they can stay in control. Once they admit to their Evolutionary Police mannerisms (that is watching and worrying how much others evolve or not), then the path to their full and vulnerable hearts is cleared and open for the business of exchanges on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Then, their cravings are detached and inclusive for all parties involved…Scorpio would have it no other way.
Sagittarius is love is quite a dramedy to watch, especially if you have the popcorn ready, warm and buttered from an observation perch. However, if you are participating in a love thang with the centaur---you must ask and have the ‘are we exclusive?’ conversation. If not, stay in your denial. The phrase ‘playing the field’ was not created just for those who throw dice, a Sag mouthed and lived those words. Like their expansive and idealistic sibling sign of Libra, these spirited ppl are usually in demand. Whether it a large asset or two, it comes down to their openness to playful experimentation. It is as if they embody the ‘hate the game, don’t hate the player’. Unless they possess body shame, they are inwardly all nudists and exhibitionist. Hell, those ‘only fans’ and other pages showing off those ‘assets’ are themed through this transpersonal fire sign of late fall. The darkness can be so strong that the ‘love one you’re with’ underscores even when they are committed to others. An equalizing tactic is to keep an ol’ flame around for the Sag to see. Yep, competition brings out the best in them. Maybe learn when Mercury goes into retrograde (three weeks, three times a year) and plan to breakup (Or compassionately talk & renegotiate the terms of the relationship).
How Sagittarius blocks love--- is thoroughly attaching to the belief that the grand gesture can solve anything within a relationship. Or the maxim that it is ‘better to ask for forgiveness, than permission’. Hard truth, if you’re involved with one of these expansively entitled individuals, you are choosing to learn how to forgive in direct proportion in the amount of trust you have for them. It is not as if they were born to betray others, it’s just that those arrows that the archers’ have in their quivers aim for our hearts. When our hearts are too narrow, Sagittarius aims to open them up. Realize one major way you learn forgiveness is through betrayal…this usually begins through ignoring your inner truth or allowing someone else’s moral guide you. Like their complementary Gemini, they can deny how much (or even if) they are in love until you’re gone…sad, yes?
Capricorn is the epitome of passing out their business card when they’re interested. Usually they fall in love very young and hold on two to three years too long or they sublimate all their energies into a career (like Virgo and sometimes Taurus). The late bloomers of the Cap tribe want the Daddy (even when it comes in the female body). I’ve seen Capricorns of a certain age begin to admit to role reversal---the ‘laid back, but physically attractive male’ who carries massive female/yin energy or the ‘self-proclaimed control freak’ but financially successful female who carries massive male/yang energy. Once gender roles are consciously separated from energy expression (that’s one reason I’m Stevie Wonder overjoyed about non-binary & transgender ppl taking agency in today’s culture), a relaxed Capricorn is like Ferdinand the Bull smelling and picking roses. What Capricorn needs and chooses once the competent masks are dropped is to feel like their most irrational selves are being acknowledged. The phrase ‘power couple’, yep, as suspected (they are as suspicious as any Scorpion, they simply hide it better), that Capricorn. To be ready for their concentrated jelly or milkshake, be the child that God has blessed---have your own, ok?
How Capricorn blocks love--- is through taking on so much responsibility that there is no room in their schedule for it. Be that children from a previous relationship, a failing public school system or a co parent that hasn’t grown up, there is always something. Those majestic ideals are a strong foundation, especially if the first love was older, guiding, like what they didn’t get from a parent. Capricorn Sade sang about this in
You can trust time in your relationship with the Mountain Goat. The healthy ones speak to their repressions, suppressions, oppressions and depressions. When they open up about their flaws, their hearts thaw.
Aquarius, like Sagittarius, is a consummate ‘love the one you’re with’ kinda soul. Constantly seeking freedom from their large never stop thinking brains, they can easily imagine sexing everyone with whom they meet. ‘When in Rome, do as Romans do’ an Aquarius belief. Wast Caligula not Roman? If not, I know his orgy having ass was an Aquarian. The cis female identifying and monogamy acting of this tribe may only allow an ‘affair’ after years of ‘bad’ treatment of a spouse and/or partner. ‘Bad’ is in quotes for emotional challenges in their committed relationship based upon the Aquarian invisibility. As the sign as far away from Leo (personal, romantic love) as can be, these highly intelligent people can easily slip into ‘you should know what I like and how I like to be loved’ theme. Blunt and obvious in their professional and outer world, only to come home, clam up and kick the proverbial dog. Maddening. In love, however, you can feel like you’re the most special person in the entire world. You were meant to be. Please savor these feelings. Stay confident and self-assured. Allow no one to dissociate and confuse personal values with universal ones.
How Aquarians block love is behaving like a compartmentalizing Virgo (please read their love advice too, for further instructions). It is through behaving like Virgo and Gemini (the other two human signs on this ‘circle of animals’ zodiac). Communication about the different forms of love. How about reading eroticism to each other? Learn the more that 90 ways the word ‘love’ is translated into Greek? Touch their hearts a lot. Ask personal questions. Discuss the ways they may have been treated as an ugly duckling, scapegoat or ‘crazy’ person…it does wonders for healing their massive hearts.
Last and certainly not least, the ‘garbage bin of the zodiac’ aka Pisces over the last two centuries has begun to take a page out of the Black Lives Matter playbook. Pisces Lives Matter (PLM) has to stand up and express their incredibly complicated inner worlds. In their imaginations there are at least three parts required of every lover/partner to which they’ll commit--savior, parent, playmate. Like the three prongs on Neptune’s fork, the savior listens to the dreams and fantasies of this transpersonal and soulful water sign that constantly seeks to embody and enliven wholeness. Let’s follow their escapist lead---listen to Pisces Vanessa Williams Pause after listening to contemplate the lyrics. Then observe the parental codependency patterns. Allow yourself to disagree with these sensitive (quick to play the victim depending upon parental wounds that remain unhealed. Definitely resist seduction as the only means to solving an argument, no? Our Raw Material and its foundational belief that every moment is whole when seen from the viewpoint of our rooted souls aids immensely
Playmate Pisces requires (and sometimes demands when they’re feeling frisky) your feelings in the moment. The more your feelings are nuanced and complicated like light shining onto a translucent opal, the better for your relationship and fun shared. The more you can pretend as if your relationship is like a Baskin Robbins and possesses 31 flavors, you continue being you as playmate. Take these sensitive fish folx for granted at your peril, because they can begin to block love---
Through their dreams and fantasies. Relisten to Vanessa Williams Dreamin’ again. Now listen to Whitney’s cover of Chaka’s first hit ‘I’m Every Woman’ As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces contains every gender, role, orientation, sex and physical expression. We have a four month cycle of Venus (MS Equilibrium and Transgender Goddess) in the heart centered sign of Leo (June 5 through October 8, 2023). Each of us, no matter what our astrological gumbo may contain, has the opportunity to look at how we identity (or not) with our biological sex---we raise our physical energies to our hearts. Also, we can lower our minds to integrate how see and communicate gender into our hearts. Pisces, in love, knows (and lives moment to moment) that our hearts have room for all living and sentient beings (period).
Writer’s Note: Took a ‘bible dip’ thanks for the quick insight Tavish, into the Kuan Yin Oracle.
The revelation was #43 ‘Heaven and Earth’. The poem is ‘
Heaven and Earth in complete harmony.
The Myriad Beings grow and thrive.
Peace and satisfaction prevail, for blessings and wisdom are given to all.
You have sown compassion and reap the harvest of joy and love.
What a gift you have been given!
The Voice of the Goddess of Compassion by Stephen Karcher
Love is a gift from the Cosmic Consciousness that consistently shows us how to exist with our inner equilibrium to create harmonic atmospheres.
Imagine the Cosmos aka Multi-Dimensional Universe singing this song to you---
Now imagine you NEVER left the Cosmic Consciousness