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Chinese New Year of Wood Snake & New Moon in Aquarius

Writer's picture: Quan Tracy CherryQuan Tracy Cherry

Hey! Happy New Year, new Year of the Snake and Chinese, or Asian new Years are lunar calendars. So they start when the sun and moon are in their new cycle, dark cycle, and it's always an Aquarius season. That's why you Capricorns have to look at the year before, no matter what those placements say in your favorite Chinese or Asian restaurant. The point is is that this year of the wood snake.

Yeah, let's breathe and feel that right? Check out for breathing techniques, we're going to need them as we move deliberately through this Wood Snake year.

So the snake is is that integration of our masculine and feminine because the snake does have a phallic energy to it. But it's also sinewy, and it gets in and out of places. And so there's a masculine feminine energy. And in Western world we got the whole Adam and Eve geocentric kind of reality. But when we look at the planet as a whole and we look at ourselves, it's galactic beings. Then the snake takes on a whole another meaning.

And with the fact that this year began with Uranus stationary, the ruler of Aquarius and Uranus is sort of like the problem, child. He's the attention, deficit disorder mixed with disruptive genius, but also oppositional defiance. And yeah, these are all labels. But Uranian energy comes in and says, Hey, look: let's question authority. Let's radicalize ourselves. Let's get to the root of whatever is going on. And Uranus without Saturnian structures.

Uranus lightning strikes and structures are changing in direct proportion to your resistance or your attachment to the conditioning, and both the dragon and snake here, in Asian or Chinese way, goes to the wealth, the prosperity corner in Feng Shui. So what really matters? You know what? And the pun is intended because a lot of times we think prosperity, and we immediately go to bank account, and if you are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn or if Saturn is really strongly placed in your chart, then yes, you may have a more propensity to want to radiate your solar energy.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

To these signs what matters to the earth, to the physical world, and that doesn't make you any less spiritual than the fire sign beings that are here radiating their own individualized spirits to Aries, Leo and Sag. It just makes you want to count the cost puns intended so. But we're all 12 signs.

Uranus Deconstructs Our Excessive Attachment To The Physical Plane

  • Tracy Chapman's Mountain of Things just rediscovered me from her 1988 debut album. And if you don't know Mountain of Things, Tracy Chapman Aries --God, I just made this 50 track playlist, and if you want it, let me know in the comments, and I'll you know, link it to you on Aries Leo. And Sag women, boy. It's a great track, I mean a great playlist. But the point is is that Uranus has been dislodging our personal structures, where we have been overly resistant to our evolution

  • Uranus basically striking like lightning bolts, to get us to think differently, to create neural pathways, different neural pathways about how we see money, how we see prosperity and the snake year is definitely where we unhinge our jaws like a snake, take on a large amount of information, and then slither off to our layers, and allow ourselves to assimilate

Uranus brings loving and detached energies into our hearts because it is said, snakes know heart.

How Uranus Empowers Us To Examine Our Egocentricity & Geocentricity

Retrograde planets asks us to redo and reevaluate. Look at a retrograde planet, and they're more powerful when they're stationary, direct, or stationary, retrograde. That's why Uranus is really powerful this year in Taurus because he is stationary in the sky, and he won't go retrograde until September 5th And I'll say July 7th again.

And as a generational planet, right. Uranus, Neptune, and dwarf planet Pluto are generational 7, 14 years for Neptune, and then Pluto can be anywhere from 12 to 30 years, depending on his elliptical orbit. So the Uranus in Gemini that we will get to from July 7th on until around November, I believe.

Uranus is about the freedom of thought. Our neural pathways are mutating, and it will affect all of us. Let's be clear. But those people who are early in the mutable signs, the Geminis, and by early I mean, not so much cuspal, but you know March 20th 21st and then Virgo 90 days later, early Virgo, early Sagittarius early Pisces. You may have these so-called 'accidents'. The physical plane is the only place where we humans can experience 'accidents'. Everything happens for our evolution & to bring awareness of the equilibrium between our egos and souls.

But remember, he's in Gemini, so it may just be a transformation or disruption of the way you think about yourself, the way you communicate the way you label yourself, and that'll make our Mercury retrogrades, you know, during this time really fascinating.

And you know, let's talk a little bit about retrograde, because now we just have Mars and Jupiter in retrograde, soon to be joined by Venus on March


And all. What all of this means is that as we review


our ability to assert ourselves where we're toxically projecting our Mars energy. I don't care what you're doing below the navel. We all have Mars energy when we take agency and say.


My, what is important to me, and we act on it.


And I'm really wanting to integrate more of knowing the male energy of action.


knowing it, but acting from the yin or the female side.


Yeah, wholeness is the goal-ness, and there's Our Raw Material coming up for review for all of us, right?

So Our Raw Material being a whole self-monitoring practice, water and physical movement and 12 pillars. Our Raw Material can energize and embody these energies and not get so caught up in our left hemisphere of our brains.

Getting Our Hearts Ready To Soften The Edges of Personal To Transpersonal Love

aka Christ Consciousness

So the point around this particular new moon, it's not just a year to snake and the freedom of thought from Aquarius, but preparing---getting our hearts and our sense of connection together for the approximately 40 days that Venus will be retrograde from Aries (March 1 to April 12) about the 10th 11th degree of Aries backing back up into Pisces.

And why this is important right now, until you know April 12th is that when we look at this new moon, we've got Venus conjunct Neptune (universal love is key & central)

So personal love and equilibrium, my values, my sense of worth, how I choose to consciously share myself. Venus, and remember Venus./Aphrodite slept with mortals and gods alike. So even in that whole patriarchal religious overview or overlay Venus had agency, I even see her as more transgendered right. But that's a whole another story---

But for the sake of right now, with Venus is aligned with Neptune basically for the next several months and because Neptune goes into Aries (innocent new beginnings on March 30th right in the middle of the Venus retrograde. So our personal love is aligned with transpersonal love, the Christ consciousness. You know the true alchemy of our authentic intelligence, of our multi-dimensional, our 4th dimensional Anahatta the 'unstruck' and 'unwounded' part of our hearts---

As we zoom in this Wood Snake year, all this Aquarius energy there's an enjoyment of sensuality and spirituality, body and soul and taking your time, and really knowing and expressing your heart.

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