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Disruptive Uranus Stationary Motion in Taurus & September 1, 2024

Writer's picture: Quan Tracy CherryQuan Tracy Cherry

Generational Astrology, at least how I define it, begins with the outer planets of Uranus, Neptune & Pluto.

Millennials have Pluto in Scorpio (1983-95). Note if you were born on those 'cuspal' years (1983/4 or 1995/6), please do some research on confirming whether your Pluto is in Libra (pre-1983) or Sagittarius (post-1995), ok?

With 'Let-Me-Locate-Your-Ego-Attachment-To-Destroy' Pluto operates to deepen our ego's relationship to evolution aka soul's growth. While folx are fond of saying 'Everything happens for a reason', Pluto (and our rooted souls) states 'Everything happens for our evolution'. Reasoning keeps us intellect and left hemisphere dependent, helping us to ignore our intelligence of our physical bodies and right hemisphere of interconnected seeing and feeling. 'One love' begets 'one unified consciousness.

Pluto moves back into Capricorn today (9.1.24). He'll be there for 81 days (until November 19, 2024). He entered into this pragmatic sign of governmental institutions, laws and how resources are shared in 2008.

I ask you to name an institution that hasn't been transformed. Our Presidency, marriage, religion, police, Supreme Court, medicine, health care, money, journalism, race, sexualilty etc. are have been fundamentally altered.

Being a soulful internal energy, it will take time for the outer structures to reflect our inner transformations. It may look to the casual egocentric observer that our lives only gotten worse. 'Darkest before the dawn', let's try that on for energetic size, ok?

Pluto requires that you live an #egosoulbalance. The ego, like Pluto's associated sign of Scorpio, has to recognize its limits. Whether our egos are lured through sex 'the little death' aka orgasm or through surrendering to our profound metaphysical truths, the energy is the same---trans (beyond) form aka transformation. Pluto offers the question: regenerate or die?

These 81 days, we are all being asked to pragmatically look within at how we manage our resources. This 16 year trek of Pluto through legacy driven Capricorn, places our individual and collective mortality at center stage. Empires fall. Many times artists are visionaries.

Follow this link from Stevie Wonder

These lyrics reflect our Neptune in Pisces energy. Surrendering to the oneness that we all are...since 2012 we've been in an awakening of this 'we're in this together'. Utopian? Sure. Idealistic? Yep? Impossible? Hell. No. Neptune requires a consistent dissolving of our ego. Whether it's not giving into road rage, microaggressions or interpersonal conflict with our partner, Neptune asks, no beseeches, that we pause and reflect upon what the other person may be feeling. At the very essential, we admit to our ignorance (Our Raw Material, Pillar Four) of what he/she/they may be going through. We. Do. Not. Know. With this awareness we can more easily relax into allowing our connection to resurface, our conflicts to subside.

We all get a 14 year opportunity to act upon these compassionate Neptunian energies beginning March 30, 2025. The Lord of Empathy (and blurring boundaries of individualism) moves into Aries.

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