Intention is all on a day like this. We cannot look into your heart. We can look only at your actions. Of all the microexpressions on your face, which ones are shown when you’re in the company of people who do not look, speak, live or worship (hell, even vote) like you?
Quoting Dr Martin King Jr. without knowing where he was and what he was doing on the day he was assassinated is superficial ASF.
As the Vietnam War continued, this ‘man of peace’ became more outspoken against it. Malcolm X transformed his ‘white devils’ mantra after he returned from Mecca in 1964. He embraced ‘true’ Islam. As he left his separatism, Martin became more radicalized. Almost exactly four years later, Dr. King was in Memphis bringing focus to the Sanitation Workers Union. Capitalism and unions were uneasy bedfellows, for sure.
You couldn’t have told me while I was growing up that I would live to see the day where Roe v Wade and the Voting Rights Act Section Five (preclearance provision) would be overturned by our illustrious (six Catholic members) Supreme Court. Yeah, my early life in the chocolate city of Detroit offered little to no illusion about the nature of racism (mostly casting a bright light on the systematic aspect, not personal microaggressions experienced daily). We had dreams of being ‘young, gifted and black’. But on the flip side of these illustrious dreams we didn’t see the possibility of a Black identifying president or same sex marriage either.
Still contemplating the ‘End Racism’, MLK decal and ‘Be Love’ within the NFL this past weekend.
Which one feels better? Which one will have a longer lasting effect?
I work as an evolutionary astrologer. This means I search for the timeless meanings to our collective growth. Going beyond time and space is a central passion of mine. This transcendence looks higher and deeper for our shared purpose.
When moving through time and space aka Breathing on Planet Earth--'All Symbols Matter'.
From Mahomes shattered helmet to the messages in the end zones and sidelines on the playing fields of the NFL, each symbol can activate our souls. Our hearts and souls can demonstrate our linear evolution. However when you concentrate upon being love, trusting these energies as they emanate from within, grace is invoked (grace in of itself is amazing, like love it needs no modifier). Through invocation, you download divinity. Resist your mental temptation to block joy and bliss as collateral benefits of the involution of something higher, deeper and universal.
Which astrological signs bring your dream of ‘ending racism’ (or any dreams for that matter)? Which astrological signs aid you to increase your ability to emanate joy and gratitude? It’s a self-worth thing. The sign before yours (within 30 days) sends multi-dimensional messages through dreams, sleep and mind-flashes. The sign after your birth offers opportunities to increase your self-worth to transform basic dissatisfaction into joy.
Because it is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday aligned with his celebration. He would’ve been 95 years old today. It is grace to begin with his sign. Born in Capricorn season, Sagittarius carries the sign of the goat’s dreams (see following table)*. GOAT (Greatest Of All Time---remember 'all symbols matter' within the Belief Is Not Required world). Until the ascent of Barack Obama, the majority of American hadn't seen an orator of the same caliber of Dr. King.
But I digress…Sagittarius inspires Capricorn to imagine the possibilities not yet beheld. Aquarius increases the dissatisfaction in Capricorn to work at bringing every planetary citizen under the biggest and most inclusive tent possible. Yes, dissatisfaction is needed so you’ll ask the questions to begin your search. Hell, even Martin Luther’s name sake began the Lutheran Religion and Protestant Reformation, remember all symbols matter. What symbol is larger or more prevalent than your name, huh? Speaking of which, do you know what your name means? If not, why not? Could this be a reason for your low frequency of dissatisfaction and bliss eluding you constantly?
Contemplate that the sign that helps you ‘end racism’ brings stress and dissatisfaction. It’s not until you see certain weaknesses in your character that you start to ask questions. Many times it is the sign before yours (end racism) that sees where you are your worst enemy. It is the aspirational spirit of the ‘be love’ sign that offers you the vitality to take on the challenge of self-improvement.
*Astrological Sign | Sign that aids to ‘End Racism’ | Sign that aids you to ‘Be Love’ |
Capricorn | Sagittarius | Aquarius ‘I know’ |
Aquarius | Capricorn | Pisces ‘I believe’ |
Pisces | Aquarius | Aries ‘I am’ |
Aries | Pisces | Taurus ‘I have’ |
Taurus | Aries | Gemini ‘I think’ |
Gemini | Taurus | Cancer ‘I feel’ |
Cancer | Gemini | Leo ‘I will’ |
Leo | Cancer | Virgo ‘I analyze’ |
Virgo | Leo | Libra ‘I balance’ |
Libra | Virgo | Scorpio ‘I create’ |
Scorpio | Libra | Sagittarius ‘I see’ |
Sagittarius | Scorpio | Capricorn ‘I utilize’ |
All Capricorn's energies must allow their spirits to inspire them to see past what divides to clock into a seeing past our individual forms into the content of our shared universal character. Yep, that whole ‘colorblind’ theme of MLK. I could critique, but I’m not interested in giving fodder to tempt our cynically driven American minds reasons to downplay his legacy. Not today. Maybe in April, ok? On April 4, when we acknowledge the 56th anniversary of his assassination. There are lessons to be taught to us all in death.
As Aquarius knows, death is one more step on our shared journey as humans. These star children often come into lives of extreme wealth or poverty. It’s their flexibility of their belief systems that gives them a sense of their self worth. To those of us who are more rigid may see Aquarius as expedient and opportunistic. Like all fixed signs (Taurus, Leo & Scorpio included) keep their motives and intentions hidden. That’s why each of these signs you must look to what they do (or not).
The dreams that Taurus has connects to action-oriented Aries. They like to keep their travels through space and time simple---you either share the same values and they’re loyal asf or you don’t and these grounded folx make very little personal time for you. But, if you’re willing to have a neutral conversation like a trained journalist about the relativity of belief systems, Taurus will take you there with a charming and captivating conversation. These people are nothing if not engaging when you show your mental dexterity. Bantering is advised, for sure.
Leo has large dreams based upon their family of origin’s encouragement. If their early childhood environment discouraged them then they can be the lion with the proverbial thorn in their paws. The female energied Leo overcompensates giving nurturing in the vain hope that it will be reciprocated aka ‘looking for love in all the wrong places’. The male energied Leo dominates their environment through a repelling mixture of arrogance and boisterous behavior. Often they live from the belief of ‘it’s better to ask for forgiveness, than permission’. Maddening. (Realize its male/female energied, which can be within any physical body or gender representation.)
Scorpio seeks the broad picture through religion, sociology and psychology. They may not tell you what they believe, but when they sense your ease of allowing powerful energies to work through you, they’ll follow you through the fire. Their ‘ride or die’ self is born through their hidden Libra side where they feel a ‘you complete me’ energy. When more externally focused (male energied), they’re like monkeys in a relationship swinging from vine to vine. They won’t let go of one without holding onto another. However when they understand their best relationship comes from their inner adventurous spirits, they relax and modulate their intensity and suspicious natures. They embody integrity of interpersonal connections.
Pisces is learning how to be and embody the original dreamweaver. However, their escapist tendencies come for an extreme and overactive mind. The seeker of the worse case scenarios, these fish can swim in polluted waters that reflect skies that Henny Penny created. They have the capacity to be the most alluring of all 12 signs--that is--when they put their dreams into action. Their journey to becoming a genius begins with small steps. Like the wind blowing in one consistent direction. They are loving and supportive in direct proportion to offering their pioneering service from moment to moment. Giving without expectation releases any transactional feelings---and creates open spaces to receive more, for sure.
Gemini’s adherence to their own values can be surprisingly stubborn. They may appear open to all sorts of ideas, but they act on their dreams and fantasies in their own time. As a matter of fact, they are slow and slower as they move through time and space. They simply have to realize how to stay in constant contact with the source of their power. The Twins know how to mask what they know intellectually, while simultaneously observing the feelings of those around them. Living from a mental focus of unity brings all growth experiences to them in a balanced way.
Virgo has a secret belief in their own grandness. When these process oriented folx focus upon the service they can offer to others without searching from recognition, their proverbial dance card is full or their followers increase. Whether or not they are culturally beautiful, they have a capacity to make anyone they meet to believe that they are the most special person ever in life. You can look like a duckbill platypus, but if you express a graciousness toward all living beings, the line to Virgo’s life begins right here.
Sagittarius invokes humor to mask its deepest wounds. Sure, they can be the ambassadors of shade and mean-spiritedness. This usually happens when their childhood traumas haven’t been faced. Secretly they desire the grand gesture or the love of a lifetime. When they admit their deepest desires no matter how culturally taboo, they relax. They start to take control of their responses to life’s ups and downs. ‘Grace under pressure’ is not a saying for the transgendered centaur, it is a way of life. They live as the Mandorlian does---This is the Way---it’s also Taoist.
Aries offers an inclusiveness to everyone they meet. Yes, they look down for a fight at all times carrying various sizes of chips on their broad shoulders. But, they Aries people I know say that they’ll eat with anyone. Now, whether that’s fast casual, home cooked or a five course meal depends upon your first impression. They have a warrior’s sense about who’s living their genius and who’s blowing smoke up their voluptuous asses. They don’t mind a little smoke, but you’d better deliver or they’ll ghost you in a New York minute.
Cancer has a restlessness that cycles like the Moon. No matter what stage their physical bodies are presenting, they ride their emotional waves from waxing dark to full to waning dark. It’s important to listen to what’s being said in response to your stories. When attracted to you, you’ll know through their silence. You’ll feel heard in a way you’ve never experienced.Take advantage? They’ll embarrass you in front of the largest audience. They created the cuckold (well, them and Aquarians)
Libra desires to being equilibrium to every situation. In order to do this, they choose to allow their precision and exacting nature to guide them. Their criticism can repel the people who can help them the most. Once their loving natures recognize that most conflict exists within them, they can relax and lose their reactionary nature to please others. Saying ‘yes’ when you’re feeling ‘no’ helps no one. A willingness to suspend a superficial peace can bring a deeper and longer lasting harmony within and without.
All of us can use today to feel and intend the energies of 'Be Love'. Particularly in potentially conflict oriented situations, these intentions of unity and forgiveness bring a repose. As 2024 continues to demonstrate where our inner thoughts and feelings are made manifest, even the smallest of inner work matters.