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Janus aka January God Of Two Faces: Past & Future---Called To Your Purpose To Serve

Writer's picture: Quan Tracy CherryQuan Tracy Cherry

Distraction and purposelessness, that’s a Western challenge. Saturn alerts us to our past wounds, how to heal them and look with purposeful passion to our future.

Saturn as ruler aka guardian of Capricorn and January (Roman God Janus of two faces---one that looks to the past and future simultaneously) brings our lessons for maturity. It’s said that you are not an adult until your first Saturn return (up till then you’re mostly a reactor to your early childhood conditioning). Maybe our lives are a rerun of unfulfilled ancestral dreams the first 28-30 years. Pun intended of ‘return’ and ‘rerun’.  Tragedy? Drama? Dramedy? Comedy?

Also, it’s said that drama plus time equals comedy. Saturn’s Roman name is Cronos. Cronos roots the word ‘chronological’. I’m only oracle spitballin’ aka ‘stream of consciousness’ connecting the multidimensional & universal dots sourced in my ol’ crusty Moon cycle (born three days before a New Moon---don’t know your lunar cycle, talk to a brother, it can make all the difference between a conditioned ‘let’s please others’ and a contemplated ‘inner truth loyalty’ decision.

Oh have I gotten off track? Hell no---when your inner truth comes a callin’ it’s like the 12 Days of Christmas---partridges in pear trees, five golden rings and nine geese a laying. Saturn return (puns intended). Daddy jokes. Saturn in his Judeo-Christian Patriarchal Role has Abraham sacrificing his son---talk about a ‘mind fuck’ by angry protectionist and self-righteous off planet deity aka Jehovah?!?

Ol’ Yahweh (and by extension) softens in the New Testament. Yes? Well, and No. Whenever the ‘persecuted’ get power, they tend to turn around and treat those ‘others’ as they’ve been treated. No bueno. No puta madre fucking bueno. That’s precisely why we needed some Buddhist or Gandhi or some ‘Mahatma’ aka ‘Great Soul’ channeled through Dr. King Jr. (a Capricorn) and non violence. I hesitate to think much less sacrifice a virgin in a volcano who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time how America would be approximately 60 to 70 years after our Civil Rights Movement.

Saturn has returned in an orange guise. At 248 years old, the Great Ol’ US of A has had approximately Eight Saturn returns (eight is also a number usually associated with Saturn). Eight is also the number of energy and matter an eternal knot based upon how we surrender to the power of all things invisible. Huh? Flip the number on its side an voila! There’s our symbol for infinity. Saturn demands we integrate our virtues of integrity into the physical world. There is no separate ‘real’ world from our inner world. That neighbor we’re chided to love as ourselves in the New Testament is our inner truth. Loyally love this neighbor, no matter what conditioning or wounds you have. We are all the stars of our own individual stories. Not victims, we are radiant stars.


So do we seep our tea bags in waters from our past? Or do we have our royalty over for tea in present and future waters? Again, huh? Lemons to lemonade, or Scarlet making a dress from curtains or overcoming generations of oppression, Saturn demands we access from within. 

Reactions and triggers are the seeds we plant and water from our unexamined (or over examined) pasts. Extremes alert. We worry (past);. We have anxiety (future). Inner truth comes to us in the present, the succession of now moments located in our awareness of our breathing patterns.

Let’s breathe into our pasts. Janus and Chronos would be immensely proud.
(To break a pattern of my other colleagues, I will group these insights by element---not chronological order---oh, the heresy!?! Earth, air, water and fire.
I will honor the season we’re in though (Capricorn, earthy, gnome and dwarf all under a Cosmic Umbrella of Inclusion)

Capricorn: Access your mind fog. Every time you forget why you have come into a room or zoned out at a stop light, your mind is showing you---you are NOT the sum of your thoughts. Your inner self (and its corresponding inner truth) is your real self. Pause, come home through listening.

Taurus: ‘Gift of gab’ doesn’t begin to describe you. You are searching to belong. Who are your people? Tribe of like minded others? Those who you feel their love. Be a Cosmic Social worker---belonging. Separate the word: Be-Long-Ing. Belong to yourself first and share you love freely. You are NOT your past. As a Hyundai ad says ‘every journey has joy in it’ or some variation upon joyous themes. If you think I’m going to say more about your past wounds before you re-read and contemplate, maybe I’m not your guide (lol).

Virgo: Cease to forgive others at your own peril. Interesting times these are. And, the more you overlook calling others out on their behaviors the more love and acceptance you’ll have for yourself. No can make you happy. Aim for contentment. Turn over disrespect and wounded pride to your favorite inclusive energy--if it is God, begin this exercise in your favorite mirror (literally, you earth sign, you). Read the other two earth signs attachments to their pasts, ok?

After we allow the Earth to imbue us with Her (Gaia/Rhea) powerful energy, we could maybe, just maybe elevate our inclusive humanity through the air element of Aquarius, Gemini & Libra. Not an over rationalizing of the heart wants what the heart wants’ or ‘look how much I’ve done for you’---Saturn reminds humanity of the dilemma of ‘reasons’. The mind is a servant, not master, yes?

Aquarius: your energies chronologically follow potentially claustrophobic Capricorn. You’re like the preacher’s kid (PK). PK’s, when out of the strict gaze of their parent are often wilder than those who have a more moderate conditioning. Cease your passive acceptance of our resources simply because you showed up. It’s clingy and disingenuous. If you’re feeling any resentments, then you didn’t give freely. Correct your attitude, simply. No guilt when you sincerely intent to do better, cause you know better ala Maya Angelou.

Gemini: read Aquarius (yes, read them IRL). You’re hear to remind the other air signs and all of humanity that without laughter there can be no objectivity and evolution regarding our wounds. You are a magnetic mix of the eternal child and old wise sage. We need that over these next months while ol’ ass Saturn finishes his trek through ancient Pisces. Demystify your puzzles. Contradictions are solved and resolved through your unwounded part of your heart. Discuss and over share how contentment differs from happiness for you.

Libra: From now until May 24, 2025, make it mostly all about you---your health, your perspective, your submission to inclusive and shared ideals, your habits. Lean into being called exacting, selfish and all the ‘b’, ‘“c’, ‘’f’,, ‘n’ an ‘p’ words. If you resist speaking these words in their complete form, then ask yourself why? How can you lead us into more profound conversations and by extension relationships? Oh, I forgot one---’Racist’. Why is it that conversation stops on any meaningful level when this word is used? And, if you’ve used another ‘r’ word in front of racism (reverse). You have a remedial and unexamined concept of racism. Rinse your ego with your soul’s redemptive waters, please.

While we mentally can see how we idealistic fit together (or not), the water element seeps into our collective souls. Love binds us all. Love is a Cosmic Virtue---or is it THE Cosmic Virtue? Sometimes to speak of love in its ab-soul-lute form lessens it. Enough mental energy. The water signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio have been through the wringer since Saturn entered Pisces in March, 2023…as if COVID wasn’t enough…

Pisces: you’re all grow’d up. Like the ending of the original The Color Purple from the 80’s. Nettie says ‘we all grow’d up together’. She went over to Africa with her niece and nephew. But, Celie didn’t know because abusive and wounded Mister kept the mail from her. Who’s wounded you so badly that you’ve communicated that you’ve forgiven them, but like someone who wears too much cologne or perfume the memories linger long after they’ve left the room. Taskmaster Saturn is giving you until May 24 to light some sage or palo santo to erase their hurtful scents.

Cancer: Our Cosmic Ethicist, that sometimes gets it way wrong. However, in the rarefied (still) Cosmic waters, there is no ‘right or wrong’ there is only lessons learned and imagining the cessation of evolution. Huh? Saturn in Pisces demands you invoke divine energies into your daily living. Ask for your favorite virtues. Then anticipate their arrival. It’s so good, so right ala Brenda Russell first top 20 hit from the late 70’s. When you’re feeling and expressing judge-ment, pause, breathe  and reflect which parent or ancestor you’re allowing to access your throat chakra.

Scorpio: Read Cancer’s message first. I will wait. Take a couple of deep breaths. Contemplate the messages that Cancer folx have given you, particularly since the fall of 2018. Breathe again. When you move too fast you end up with the ‘wrong’ team or partner. Slow motion like molasses or honey work for you now. You may see the whole and complete picture of your newly or reacquainted, but at times humans are slow to leave their large intellects to heed the subtle voice of their hearts. Patience grasshopper. I like turtle symbolism, you home is with you at all times, located in your heart too.

After all that boundarylessness of ab-soul-lute love of the water element, we need a desert found within the fire element of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Ideally it’s an oasis you’re emerging from, particularly because we are in the middle of the Chinese years of the Dragon and Snake. Salamanders & Reptilians rise!!!

Aries: yep, you cannot step into the same river twice, right? If the river also symbolize the Greek Titan Sisyphus, then we have the last couple of years in stark focus. Sisyphus had the task of rolling a boulder up a hill, only for it to roll back down again. Charles Schultz demonstrated this conceptual feeling through Charlie Brown and the football that Lucy always snatched away from him. Saturn in multidimensional Pisces basically teaches you where you surrender control is where power uses you as a bringer of equilibrium. Someone has to know when to allow that ball to simply roll past them, no?

Leo: Sade (Capricorn) instructs your last two years in her tune ‘Love Is Stronger Than Pride’. Each water sign was born to teach you this…Saturn makes you embody the lesson. We water elementals may decide you’ve become too much work and/or we don’t have enough water (memory/love/desire) to persevere with you. Quelle dommage! Que lastima! What a pity! Love that eludes you symbolizes places where you’ve cease to discover love within yourself. Love makes you the center of your universe firstly then lastly---you can give from your own cup as you keep a reserve cup  within your ever expanding and free heart…

Sagittarius: please read the other two fire sign’s messages first. As a consummate advisor, you’re a brash example of ‘Physician heal thyself’ and ‘Everything in Moderation’...or my lawyer favorite: ‘The lawyer who represents themselves, has a fool for a client’!” Saturn in Pisces over the past two years has been teaching you how to re-parent yourself. When giving solicited advice, record it (or at least listen to what you’re saying to us), How does what you’re saying apply to your own life?

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