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New Moon In Scorpio: How Will Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn Regenerate Themselves...? Time Will Tell

Writer's picture: Quan Tracy CherryQuan Tracy Cherry

Impatience breeds aggressiveness, huh? You as Aries, Scorpio & Capricorn, possess agendas, no? Patience can be learned. Patience creates peace. Lose any attachments to setting agendas, playing roles and watching the clock ambitiously...this upcoming transition of Mars/Pluto (Nov 3), Pluto moving into Aquarius (Nov 19) & Mars moving in retrograde motion (Dec 6) will not be a bumpy as it could be.

Watch the following video:

This New Moon in Scorpio has teacher of timelessness written all over it, for sure! I've classified your three signs as 'Tier One'.

Your self-actualization occurs in direct proportion to your seeing and living the 'long game' or what MLK, Jr, described as the 'long arc of social justice'...

Yes, Aries folx can see a long game when they make time to reflect upon actions taken. Yes, Scorpio people can act spontaneously (and out of character) even when they are self-described 'control enthusiasts' (no longer use 'control freak', ok?) Yes, Capricorn are known for their agendas, but the last 16 years Pluto has deconstructed their attachments to planning every little thing.

Where do these signs occur in your own charts?

Who are those in your life that resemble my comments?

How have you been hiding love from yourself and others?

Can you recognize vulnerability as one of your 'superpowers'?

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