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Writer's pictureQuan Tracy Cherry

Solar Eclipse in Libra October 2 2024

The beginning of fall aka #Libra & #libraseason symbolically represents the 'fall' of the veil of egocentric separation. Huh?

This upcoming Solar Eclipse on October 2 can have the past flooding back to you in full review---be that the previous Solar Eclipse on April 8 or April & October of 2005-6 & 1986-7.

Patterns & cycles of Aries/giving 'I am' & Libra/receiving 'I balance' & 'We are' or what Our Raw Material (ORM) call #egosoulbalance and #soulegobalance.

Eclipses offer us transformative inner experiences where we feel our past in a moment of illuminating clarity of assessing NOW.

Wars & reports of wars in these 'last days' according to Christians fundamentalists/nationalists.

Pluto in Capricorn does 'predict' an ending, a transformation of institutions/governments/laws. Hell, Pluto was moving Capricorn at the inception of the United States on July 4 1776! Talk about proverbial chickens coming home to roost...

Enjoy your Sunday!

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