Having a pioneering approach to life, I seek to integrate many different spiritual systems into one easily digestible and cohesive whole. A collateral benefit of being self-taught is that I trusted my heart to lead me into what mattered. A major goal is to serve my community in the best way possible. I am a guide, however, we teach each other.
All Readings/Sessions are Intuitive/Psychic. All Symbols Matter (especially what your intuitive mind offers as images that you can put into words).
These are following combinations that BINR offers:
Astrology (Western & Chinese)---language that blends science and art.
Venus Star Point (VSP) demonstrates your Personal Passions---bridging your ego and soul into giving freely to yourself, partners, family, art and work colleagues.
Tarot offers an image making and storytelling guide to your current questions and advises on future possibilities. The Tarot Cards allow me to be an intermediary between your ego and soul. These cards are a guide to giving advice to yourself (after all, you choose them).
Numerology (particularly your ‘Power Date’ which is your date of birth)
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