Beverly Hills Cop Glenn Frey for you music buffs.
'Bless their hearts' a southern curse, yes? 'May you live in interesting times', a Chinese curse, yes?
With action and self-directed Mars in tribal and emotional Cancer moving closest to our Earth to oppose taboo and collective power oriented Pluto in hierarchical Capricorn, our fears and unexamined beliefs are indeed cursing us.
My fear is that we will live with another four years of a Trump presidency.
However, as an astrological alchemist, I realize that we have a lot of dross (waste material) to extract as we collectively turn our adolescent nation's lead (density) into gold (wisdom). Huh? C'mon, we have a choice between a felon and a prosecutor. My ancestors are collectively rolling their eyes.
When I peer through the eyes of my soul, I see fear, greed and attachment to the outer world of money, status and hierarchy. I see an adolescent collective in pain. When we've reached enough pain as a nation, we will transform into an adult nation who acts from integrity and vision. We are at a tipping point, for real...
Pluto in Capricorn (where he was placed at our country's birth) simply acknowledged what has be suppressed, repressed and oppressed since our founding---the individual rights of anyone who was not male, white and property owner. Hey, they done their idealistic duty by ridding this fledging nation of the British Monarchy, right?
Even though my grown ass lawyer self has begun researching Grover Cleveland's two non consecutive terms, I will continue if there's enough interest in my doing so. If not, know this: through my contemplate practice, ancestral support and Our Raw Material (ORM), I am detached from the outcome of the US Elections...although the Ideal Playground from ORM has me motivated to imagine a throttling by Kamala Harris (certainly in Missouri re: the protection of abortion rights)!
I lost friendships eight years ago when I boldly said, 'white people you're going to have to talk amongst yourselves'! It was my timing, place and statement that was 'wrong' from an ego perspective. However, from a soul's perspective each person evolves at their own pace. Daily I receive healing energies from my ancestors. This is not as cryptic as it sounds---over the past several decades we've had the acronym WWJD? What Would Jesus Do? Even if you're not a practicing follower of Jesus, you probably know this, no?
Well, I simply imagine what would my ancestors do? Hell, what did they do? They voted for the least reprehensible candidate---often the least obviously racist. But, my relative freedoms compared to my great-grandfather born in 1900 have me leaning into gratitude that I am able to express myself as openly as I do in this forum.
Watch the following video.
Afterwards, name the song & artist I mention three times to get a personal message: