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At the 27th degree of Capricorn this New Moon has a conservative tinge to it.? After all, six planets plus Black Moon Lilith (non-submissive agent) move through this most misunderstood sign.? Integrity, discipline, maturity and reflection upon how you can be a responsible member of society reign supreme.? Remember that your first society is your family of origin (shades of Cancer the energy that balances ol? crusty Cap).? That pre-birth experience sets up how close you are to the starting gate, and hence, the finish line.

Saturn, the guardian angel of Capricorn, has returned home.? He is checking passports.? You cannot go to those other dimensions without paying your dues.? Work, also known as servicing others around you, continues to be expected no matter how enlightened you present yourself to the world.? It is that whole conundrum regarding fallen trees unseen in certain forests along with what does one do after enlightenment has been attained?? Saturn knows.? You excel.? You inwardly glaze.? You conserve.? You live in a room painted by lust and yearning and respect.? Love may or may not be there.? However, love is a theme that guides you to aforementioned room.? Oh, I digress.

Let?s get to you?

Aries/Aries Rising/Moon:? Cap is no joke to a self-centered and insecure Aries.? You have lots to offer, buy you must be willing to be the butt of some jokes and not take yourself so seriously.? If you?ve done your research, call the ignorant on their ignorance?but if your playing with your improvisional selves, then, laugh and do it heartedly.? As in, whole-heartedly.? A bit of pie on your face makes you more accessible, and who doesn?t love a happy warrior?? Hell, who doesn?t love Xena when she smiles at Gabrielle?? Okay, too mythical, then football/soccer players patting each other on their respective asses?? Mars sits in a expanded pose with Jupiter sexy/taboo/powerful Scorpio, excess only looks good when a consensual and vocal ?yes? has been secured.? Have the reality that you teach the young and aggressive how to obtain consent without a corresponding need for forgiveness.? Like charity, this one begins at home.? Aries, as number one, get it started.

Taurus/Taurus Rising/Moon:? The only starting earth sign often acts a mix of traveler, philosopher and judge for your solid ways.? Their eye for detail and luxury gets your turtle reaching outside their shell.? This New Moon corresponds to the Venus Star at 27 and 19 degrees of Cap, respectively.? You May-born bull children have an extra dose of passionate mental and spiritual expansion.? Your about of growth depends on those with whom you choose to relate.? To mistake form over content will have your repenting in leisure, so take your time.? A long courtship is a healthy one for you.? Already mated?? Then, go back to how you secure said person and retrace your steps with your knowledgeable perspective gained. ?Use your anger constructively, physically even, that is reshape your body.

Gemini/Gemini Rising/Moon:? You know you how to turn a phrase.? When split, detached and/or fearful of survival (like Aquarius), you can convince those whose hearts are open of anything.? Green sky?? Money must?ve not only grown on trees but there is a brisk breeze too!?!? This New Moon brings your sense of personal power in your closest relationships comes from your integrity, mastery and excellence.? To not know for sure is okay when you disclose what you do know.? Mercury travels through this sober starting earth sign that grounds your best thoughts.? Continue to use the quickening of revolutionary Uranus in Aries to forge new pathways of heart, mind and soul.? Make your routines pay for everyone you meet.

Cancer/Cancer Rising/Moon:? This Moon is opposite, yet complimentary, to you.? Security and responsibility are your catch phrases, along with ?I feel?.? Feeling like you?ve been used is a challenge for you.? If this feeling is true, then what were you expecting in return?? Parenting can be a thankless endeavor.? With expansive and wise Jupiter traveling along Mars in Scorpio your need for your mental ideals to manifest has rarely been so acute.? Having to right or perfect often means you are alone.? To argue over the principle of the matter ain?t cute either, at least for you under this lunar influence.? Venus Star in Capricorn needs you to stay light, true and real.? When you have to spare someone?s feelings, know what is true?then you can tell them later at a more appropriate time.

Leo/Leo Rising/Moon:? From where do your power emanate?? Sometimes you must alert unexercised heart muscles to beat for those whom you consider beneath you.? Your power comes from recognizing how to shine your brand of love and/or swag onto all.? When you relate personally, we want more of you.? When you ice over, you repel.? Cap reminds you to not get locked into mental images of bitter or scorched earth.? Take a clue from your preceding sign of Cancer, soften and sweeten.? Your spirit has been alive with futuristic aims for the past six years.? Let the Venus Star in pragmatic Capricorn sharpen your visions into realistic aims.? Remember what is yours to manifest.

Virgo/Virgo Rising/Moon:? What a joy to have love!? What a joy to live!? Gratitude lists abound!? Allow your enthusiasm to show.? No gratitude, no joy.? As the only adaptable earth sign, you teach us how to build a better mousetrap.? Inventiveness can be applied in areas of the heart.? Resist the temptation to compartmentalize.? You charm the birds out of the trees when you show your whimsy.? Your critical mind wants to feed on new material, so set your timer and surf the web.? Your point of power comes through taking risks of seeing life through the eyes of a child?and then a willingness to act on the pioneer info in the NOW!? The role of the child in The Emperor?s New Clothes is being played by?

Libra/Libra Rising/Moon:? Place your home in order.? Get those home fires burning, says Vesta in adventurous Sagittarius.? These six planets in Capricorn require that you grow beyond seeing the best in everyone to accepting their dark sides.? After all, what is a scale bearer to do but balance light and dark, ego and soul?? When in doubt, place more of your energies in productive work (or play) in which you lose track of time.? Let individualistic Mars recognize opportunities to get your needs met while satisfying others.? ?Why not?? is the relational theme that wants more exploration.

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising/Moon:? A curious mind hurts no one when they have an open heart.? Without a loving connection info is often exchanged outside of context.? Pain usually follows.? What if there were a video camera that recorded all our thoughts and feelings and conversations we had?? We are almost there on this short-bus planet Earth.? In many ways we are a special needs species.? When you love somebody, you want their best interests.? We must learn to place love and trust in a larger context, if for nothing else to understand how to forgive after those inevitable betrayals?did I mention the short bus collectivity of our planet?

Sagittarius/Sag Rising/Moon:? Placing importance on material things is not usually a problem for you.? Working hard for them can be, though.? This New Moon will not allow your sense of entitlement to take over.? Humility wins the day.? Retracing your steps occurred this fall so you can begin to build anew on a solid foundation.? How can you make your dreams a reality?? Begin through imagining what your favorite spiritual teacher or mentor would do.? Named after an ancestor?? Then, what did they leave unfinished?? How do they inspire you?? End procrastination now.

Capricorn/Cap Rising/Moon:? All eyes are on you.? You?d much prefer we?d look over your cherished work.? Building a good name and reputation is a central theme to your life.? This New Moon includes Messenger Mercury.? Let your mind wander over the multiple universes.? Realize that invigorating Uranus has been inciting breakthroughs and breakaways with outmoded emotional patterns.? To know if you?re living right, look to those surrounding you.? Are they happy?? If not, why not?? How can your advice and example help?

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising/Moon:? You are ending a round.? Unfinished business lurks around every corner.? Instead of becoming mentally defensive, simply breath and take in the info.? Paranoia will destroy ya?as well as being a superior know-it-all.? We don?t normally mind the know-it-all part, it is the superiority complex without any heart that wears after a period.? Let the Mars/Jupiter movement in Scorpio help you examine the motivations behind your passions.? It is that whole ?unexamined? life and not living stuff.? Keep it simple, stupid.

Pisces/Pisces Rising/Moon:? What?s in your heart?? Capricorn wants your mature grown ass to make the world a better place.? That?s why when you?re younger, you tend to attract older friends.? Allow the time to be your guide in the amount of forgiveness you give to others.? New folks, observe and test them.? From now until March 8, Jupiter is moving forward in Scorpio, the fixed water sign that offers you excellent counsel, independent and clear.? Mars is also in Scorpio, so check your excessive passions at the door.

You?ve heard the phrase, ?sober as a judge?, this is how we?ll be living under this Cap New Moon.? Utilize those skills of cautious delay while you listen to your inner voice that brings in practical equilibrium (remember that Capricorn is the next cardinal sign after deliberating Libra).? These sea-goats take the idealism of Libra and make it work on the physical plane.? As long as you do not rationalize ?the ends justify the means?, you can make these next 28 days and by extension the Evening Star in Capricorn work through staying passionately committed to making a difference where it matters for you and yours.

Being less misunderstood requires a quiet defiance against conventional thought.? Caps may rather desire some mystery of character, especially when it sets them apart from the ordinary.? Reputation be damned!? We all can aspire to the extraordinary these times offer, when you have a contemplative life based upon research and lots of heart.? Which course of action or path stands the test of time?? That is one you take and walk.

Capricorn New Moon 2018

At the 27th degree of Capricorn this New Moon has a conservative tinge to it.? After all, six planets plus Black Moon Lilith (non-submissive agent) move through this most misunderstood sign.? Integrity, discipline, maturity and reflection upon how you can be a responsible member of society reign supreme.? Remember that your first society is your family of origin (shades of Cancer the energy that balances ol? crusty Cap).? That pre-birth experience sets up how close you are to the starting gate, and hence, the finish line.

Saturn, the guardian angel of Capricorn, has returned home.? He is checking passports.? You cannot go to those other dimensions without paying your dues.? Work, also known as servicing others around you, continues to be expected no matter how enlightened you present yourself to the world.? It is that whole conundrum regarding fallen trees unseen in certain forests along with what does one do after enlightenment has been attained?? Saturn knows.? You excel.? You inwardly glaze.? You conserve.? You live in a room painted by lust and yearning and respect.? Love may or may not be there.? However, love is a theme that guides you to aforementioned room.? Oh, I digress.

Let?s get to you?

Aries/Aries Rising/Moon:? Cap is no joke to a self-centered and insecure Aries.? You have lots to offer, buy you must be willing to be the butt of some jokes and not take yourself so seriously.? If you?ve done your research, call the ignorant on their ignorance?but if your playing with your improvisional selves, then, laugh and do it heartedly.? As in, whole-heartedly.? A bit of pie on your face makes you more accessible, and who doesn?t love a happy warrior?? Hell, who doesn?t love Xena when she smiles at Gabrielle?? Okay, too mythical, then football/soccer players patting each other on their respective asses?? Mars sits in a expanded pose with Jupiter sexy/taboo/powerful Scorpio, excess only looks good when a consensual and vocal ?yes? has been secured.? Have the reality that you teach the young and aggressive how to obtain consent without a corresponding need for forgiveness.? Like charity, this one begins at home.? Aries, as number one, get it started.

Taurus/Taurus Rising/Moon:? The only starting earth sign often acts a mix of traveler, philosopher and judge for your solid ways.? Their eye for detail and luxury gets your turtle reaching outside their shell.? This New Moon corresponds to the Venus Star at 27 and 19 degrees of Cap, respectively.? You May-born bull children have an extra dose of passionate mental and spiritual expansion.? Your about of growth depends on those with whom you choose to relate.? To mistake form over content will have your repenting in leisure, so take your time.? A long courtship is a healthy one for you.? Already mated?? Then, go back to how you secure said person and retrace your steps with your knowledgeable perspective gained. ?Use your anger constructively, physically even, that is reshape your body.

Gemini/Gemini Rising/Moon:? You know you how to turn a phrase.? When split, detached and/or fearful of survival (like Aquarius), you can convince those whose hearts are open of anything.? Green sky?? Money must?ve not only grown on trees but there is a brisk breeze too!?!? This New Moon brings your sense of personal power in your closest relationships comes from your integrity, mastery and excellence.? To not know for sure is okay when you disclose what you do know.? Mercury travels through this sober starting earth sign that grounds your best thoughts.? Continue to use the quickening of revolutionary Uranus in Aries to forge new pathways of heart, mind and soul.? Make your routines pay for everyone you meet.

Cancer/Cancer Rising/Moon:? This Moon is opposite, yet complimentary, to you.? Security and responsibility are your catch phrases, along with ?I feel?.? Feeling like you?ve been used is a challenge for you.? If this feeling is true, then what were you expecting in return?? Parenting can be a thankless endeavor.? With expansive and wise Jupiter traveling along Mars in Scorpio your need for your mental ideals to manifest has rarely been so acute.? Having to right or perfect often means you are alone.? To argue over the principle of the matter ain?t cute either, at least for you under this lunar influence.? Venus Star in Capricorn needs you to stay light, true and real.? When you have to spare someone?s feelings, know what is true?then you can tell them later at a more appropriate time.

Leo/Leo Rising/Moon:? From where do your power emanate?? Sometimes you must alert unexercised heart muscles to beat for those whom you consider beneath you.? Your power comes from recognizing how to shine your brand of love and/or swag onto all.? When you relate personally, we want more of you.? When you ice over, you repel.? Cap reminds you to not get locked into mental images of bitter or scorched earth.? Take a clue from your preceding sign of Cancer, soften and sweeten.? Your spirit has been alive with futuristic aims for the past six years.? Let the Venus Star in pragmatic Capricorn sharpen your visions into realistic aims.? Remember what is yours to manifest.

Virgo/Virgo Rising/Moon:? What a joy to have love!? What a joy to live!? Gratitude lists abound!? Allow your enthusiasm to show.? No gratitude, no joy.? As the only adaptable earth sign, you teach us how to build a better mousetrap.? Inventiveness can be applied in areas of the heart.? Resist the temptation to compartmentalize.? You charm the birds out of the trees when you show your whimsy.? Your critical mind wants to feed on new material, so set your timer and surf the web.? Your point of power comes through taking risks of seeing life through the eyes of a child?and then a willingness to act on the pioneer info in the NOW!? The role of the child in The Emperor?s New Clothes is being played by?

Libra/Libra Rising/Moon:? Place your home in order.? Get those home fires burning, says Vesta in adventurous Sagittarius.? These six planets in Capricorn require that you grow beyond seeing the best in everyone to accepting their dark sides.? After all, what is a scale bearer to do but balance light and dark, ego and soul?? When in doubt, place more of your energies in productive work (or play) in which you lose track of time.? Let individualistic Mars recognize opportunities to get your needs met while satisfying others.? ?Why not?? is the relational theme that wants more exploration.

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising/Moon:? A curious mind hurts no one when they have an open heart.? Without a loving connection info is often exchanged outside of context.? Pain usually follows.? What if there were a video camera that recorded all our thoughts and feelings and conversations we had?? We are almost there on this short-bus planet Earth.? In many ways we are a special needs species.? When you love somebody, you want their best interests.? We must learn to place love and trust in a larger context, if for nothing else to understand how to forgive after those inevitable betrayals?did I mention the short bus collectivity of our planet?

Sagittarius/Sag Rising/Moon:? Placing importance on material things is not usually a problem for you.? Working hard for them can be, though.? This New Moon will not allow your sense of entitlement to take over.? Humility wins the day.? Retracing your steps occurred this fall so you can begin to build anew on a solid foundation.? How can you make your dreams a reality?? Begin through imagining what your favorite spiritual teacher or mentor would do.? Named after an ancestor?? Then, what did they leave unfinished?? How do they inspire you?? End procrastination now.

Capricorn/Cap Rising/Moon:? All eyes are on you.? You?d much prefer we?d look over your cherished work.? Building a good name and reputation is a central theme to your life.? This New Moon includes Messenger Mercury.? Let your mind wander over the multiple universes.? Realize that invigorating Uranus has been inciting breakthroughs and breakaways with outmoded emotional patterns.? To know if you?re living right, look to those surrounding you.? Are they happy?? If not, why not?? How can your advice and example help?

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising/Moon:? You are ending a round.? Unfinished business lurks around every corner.? Instead of becoming mentally defensive, simply breath and take in the info.? Paranoia will destroy ya?as well as being a superior know-it-all.? We don?t normally mind the know-it-all part, it is the superiority complex without any heart that wears after a period.? Let the Mars/Jupiter movement in Scorpio help you examine the motivations behind your passions.? It is that whole ?unexamined? life and not living stuff.? Keep it simple, stupid.

Pisces/Pisces Rising/Moon:? What?s in your heart?? Capricorn wants your mature grown ass to make the world a better place.? That?s why when you?re younger, you tend to attract older friends.? Allow the time to be your guide in the amount of forgiveness you give to others.? New folks, observe and test them.? From now until March 8, Jupiter is moving forward in Scorpio, the fixed water sign that offers you excellent counsel, independent and clear.? Mars is also in Scorpio, so check your excessive passions at the door.

You?ve heard the phrase, ?sober as a judge?, this is how we?ll be living under this Cap New Moon.? Utilize those skills of cautious delay while you listen to your inner voice that brings in practical equilibrium (remember that Capricorn is the next cardinal sign after deliberating Libra).? These sea-goats take the idealism of Libra and make it work on the physical plane.? As long as you do not rationalize ?the ends justify the means?, you can make these next 28 days and by extension the Evening Star in Capricorn work through staying passionately committed to making a difference where it matters for you and yours.

Being less misunderstood requires a quiet defiance against conventional thought.? Caps may rather desire some mystery of character, especially when it sets them apart from the ordinary.? Reputation be damned!? We all can aspire to the extraordinary these times offer, when you have a contemplative life based upon research and lots of heart.? Which course of action or path stands the test of time?? That is one you take and walk.

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