Through this exciting blend of the precision of Astrology blended with the imagery and storytelling of the Tarot!
This Astrolit (combo for Astrology & Tarot) is for the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Aries on Monday April 8, 2024b at 1.21pm in Kansas City MO.
The following picture shows a rabbit and its association with the Queen/Priestess of Pentacles (an earth sign yin energy in any body following their hearts to manifestation). Blindfold (overlooking or denial?) The Lovers suggests when choice is involved lean into your heart. And, a quote from the Papi of Humanistic Astrology Dane Rudhyar!

Each decan (10 degrees of the zodiac) has a minor arcana associated with it. The following table shows the Solar Eclipse’s energies--I added the animals for playful connections--goats, bluebirds & roosters!
Planet/Sign/Degree | Tarot Card | Associated Animal Energies |
Asc 3 Leo | 5 Wands | Tasmanian Devil--Inner Warrior |
Sun 19 Aries | 3 Wands | Rooster--Uniqueness Celebrated |
Moon 19 Aries | 3 Wands | Rooster--Unifying Virtue |
Mercury Retro 27 Aries | 4 Wands | Hummingbird--Embracing Joy |
Venus 4 Aries | 2 Wands | Flamingo--Balanced Truth Telling |
Mars 13 Pisces | 9 Cups | Puffer Fish--Self Protection/Boundaries |
NN 15 Aries | 3 Wands | Rooster--Joyous Communication of Self |
SN 15 Libra | 3 Swords | Bluebird--Appreciating Blessings |
Ceres 18 Capricorn | 3 Pentacles | Mouse--Inventive Motivation w/Others |
Vesta 2 Cancer | 2 Cancer | Warthog--Reciprocal & Fierce Framily Building |
Juno 8 Retro Virgo | 8 Pentacles | Giraffe--Big Picture & Sacred Ground |
Pallas 8 Retro Sagittarius | 8 Wands | Dragonfly--Seeing Positivity Everywhere |
Jupiter 19 Taurus | 6 Pentacles | Goat--Methodical Sure Footed Confidence |
Saturn 15 Pisces | 9 Cups | Puffer Fish--Realistic Dreaming & Wishing |
Chiron 19 Aries | 3 Wands | Rooster--Pride In Accomplishments |
Uranus 21 Taurus | 7 Pentacles | Beaver--Unexpected Growth In Life Values |
Neptune 28 Pisces | 10 Cups | Seal--Soul Messages For Joyful Vibrations |
Pluto 2 Aquarius | 5 Swords | Fly--Recognizing All Omens ‘Good & Bad’ |
Astraea 12 Cancer | 3 Cups | Penguin--Fairness For All/Ecology too |
Part of Fortune 2 Leo | 5 Wands | Tasmanian Devil-Sharpening Individuality |
Black Moon Lilith 2 Libra | 2 Swords | Blue Footed Booby--Humor & Lightness |